Monday, March 23, 2009

Great Class

I'm really happy to have taken this class. I have learned a lot and am way more web savvy than I was before. The thing I struggle with most is coming up with ideas for ways to incorporate the various apps into my classroom, but I know that my creativity will improve with time and soon I'll be up there with some of my more adventurous peers in this class. I'm looking forward to that!

My Literature Circle Website

So! I made a website. I know. This is very unlike me. I am not a vidiot, I have a perfectly acceptable level of computer savvy, but I generally shy away from technology. And yet I made and website and am reporting about it on my Blog. Hardy har har.

The website I made is for my Literature Circle Project for my Junior English classes. It's called Literature Circles. I'm pretty stoked on it and I think it's going to be really useful. Plus, it forced me to get the project tightened up and off the ground sooner than I would have otherwise. Technology is great!

The site is:


I am SO frustrated right now! I have spent all afternoon making a map on My Googel Maps and trying to embed it into my Literature Circles Google Site. It won't embed! I have added a gaget. My map won't appear. I tried the usual mode of embedding an image. My map won't appear. Shouldn't there be some exceptionally easy way to embed a Google Map into a Google Site? Everything else is cake! I am beyond frustrated. AAAAAAAAARRRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!

Monday, March 9, 2009

My Google Presentation!


I'm having trouble figuring out how to utilize some of these new webtools we're learning about in class. Animoto seems like a neat way for the kids to do a getting-to-know-you activity introducing themself to the class, but I am without ideas for Voicethread. I just don't see what practical use it might have in my classroom. I'm happy to be learning about all these new gagets, but some of them seem more useful and practical for my personal internet usage rather than in my classroom. Hopefully, I will learn more specific uses for some of these tools during the rest of our classes.